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Top 20 images by votes
1 Send in the Clowns Afriadi Hikmal Send in the Clowns | Indonesia 2.97 (686 Vote(s))
2 Dr Paul Athanasiov testing out new donated equipment at Hakha Eye Centre James Muecke Chin State Odyssey pt. 1 | Sight for All in Burma 3.01 (663 Vote(s))
3 Dr Athanasiov training the ophthalmic nurse in the use of new equipment for Kalaymyo Eye Centre James Muecke Chin State Odyssey pt. 1 | Sight for All in Burma 3.04 (655 Vote(s))
4 To home Igor Sherman Dancers in the Night | Carpathian Mountains, Ukraine 2.94 (546 Vote(s))
5 Chinese New Year Panama Teresita Chavarria Chinese New Year | Panama 2.99 (545 Vote(s))
6 Old believer Igor Sherman Transbaikalian Old Believers | Transbaikal 2.91 (428 Vote(s))
7 Casa de Cambio at 330 W. Jefferson Blvd., Dallas, Texas. Peter Calvin Jefferson Blvd. | Hispanic Businesses Revitalize a Neighborhood's Main Street , US 3.03 (415 Vote(s))
8 Ram Man Marta Ze Carnival Dreams: Unmasking the Spirit | New Orleans USA 1.46 (166 Vote(s))
9 Comunidad Indigena Alfonso De Castro Comunidad Indigena | Community living in Matagalpa, Nicaragua. 3.16 (63 Vote(s))
10 India Tribal14 Tashi Tobgyal Teakwood Tales | India 3.03 (62 Vote(s))
11 Street musicions, NisVille 2013 Radule Perisic NisVille, Balkan Jazz festival | Serbia 2.86 (61 Vote(s))
12 Devotee offering Prayers at Khandoba temple at Jejuri Vinit Gupta Tranquil Terrains of Turbulent Turmeric | Bhandara festival, India 1.34 (58 Vote(s))
13 An undernourished boy at the hospital in IFO refugee camp. Hes Mundt IFO Refugee Camp | Dadaab Kenya 3.40 (57 Vote(s))
14 Elections Coochbear West Bengal Shib Shankar Chatterjee International Migration-India Bangladesh International Border 1.00 (57 Vote(s))
15 But Baxt ta Sastip? 18 Nino Pillitteri But Baxt ta Sastip 3.25 (40 Vote(s))
16 Indigenous Life Of Bangladesh. Md.Kabirul Islam Indigenous Life of Bangladesh | Mru tribal life 2.64 (38 Vote(s))
17 Nicosia in Dark and White #42-04 Thodoris Tzalavras Nicosia in Dark and White | Cyprus 2.88 (38 Vote(s))
18 Children at Red shirt protests Forestmat Blood Red in Bangkok | Thailand 2.94 (36 Vote(s))
19 Workers load finished bricks onto waiting trucks Luc Forsyth A River's Tail: The Mekong Delta - Luc Forsyth 3.16 (36 Vote(s))
20 Young Burmese sex workers John Hulme In Search of a job..any job | Burmese Immigrants in Thailand 2.08 (36 Vote(s))
Top 15 images by hits
1 Young Burmese sex workers John Hulme In Search of a job..any job | Burmese Immigrants in Thailand 1255557
2 Ram Man Marta Ze Carnival Dreams: Unmasking the Spirit | New Orleans USA 917037
3 Kids on street Radule Perisic Serbian gypsy children in decade of Roma | Serbia 901450
4 blind boy Sandip Debnath A Ray of Hope | India 839503
5 Kids on street Radule Perisic Serbian gypsy children in decade of Roma | Serbia 827517
6 Kids on street Radule Perisic Serbian gypsy children in decade of Roma | Serbia 813317
7 Dumpsite home Tudla Productions Child Scavengers of a Post-Smokey Mountain dumpsite | Tondo, Manila 773515
8 Dumpsite children Tudla Productions Child Scavengers of a Post-Smokey Mountain dumpsite | Tondo, Manila 543341
9 Kids on street Radule Perisic Serbian gypsy children in decade of Roma | Serbia 521930
10 Offering turmeric powder at Khandoba temple at Jejuri Vinit Gupta Tranquil Terrains of Turbulent Turmeric | Bhandara festival, India 515721
11 Beautiful girl Chitkul Saransh Sehgal Chitkul | The Last Village in India 510093
12 NICOSIA AIRPORT Stefanos Kouratzis Haunted Airport | Nicosia, Cyprus 505514
13 Burmese Migrant workers John Hulme In Search of a job..any job | Burmese Immigrants in Thailand 488316
14 NICOSIA AIRPORT Stefanos Kouratzis Haunted Airport | Nicosia, Cyprus 475376
15 Gurdwara gateway Fernando Mendes Sikhs in Portugal 466889
16 Dr Paul Athanasiov testing out new donated equipment at Hakha Eye Centre James Muecke Chin State Odyssey pt. 1 | Sight for All in Burma 447541
17 Inundated deep tubewell Sagnik Datta Inundated - Flood in Udaynarayanpur block, Howrah District | West Bengal India 435465
18 Gipsy child in ack of baging Radule Perisic Serbian gypsy children in decade of Roma | Serbia 433940
19 NICOSIA AIRPORT Stefanos Kouratzis Haunted Airport | Nicosia, Cyprus 429700
20 A Kushti wrestler prepares the wrestling ground Anamitra Chakladar Meet the Editors Part 1 - David Bathgate, Lisa Hogben, Erica McDonald, Anamitra Chakladar 428531
21 Bedroom Hole inside of a bombed house, Koleile, Lebanon Gabriela Bulisova Another War | The aftermath of cluster bombs in Lebanon 426366
22 Barefoot girl Radule Perisic Serbian gypsy children in decade of Roma | Serbia 421931
23 Dr Athanasiov training the ophthalmic nurse in the use of new equipment for Kalaymyo Eye Centre James Muecke Chin State Odyssey pt. 1 | Sight for All in Burma 415451
24 Casa de Cambio at 330 W. Jefferson Blvd., Dallas, Texas. Peter Calvin Jefferson Blvd. | Hispanic Businesses Revitalize a Neighborhood's Main Street , US 394144
25 A bath in the river Dev Gogoi Transgenders India | Wed and Widowed in a Day 393334
26 Lord Aravan Dev Gogoi Transgenders India | Wed and Widowed in a Day 391411
27 The Kids from Lunik IX - 12 Michael Biach The Kids from Lunik IX | Slovakia 377180
28 Getting married to god Aravan Dev Gogoi Transgenders India | Wed and Widowed in a Day 375951
29 NICOSIA AIRPORT Stefanos Kouratzis Haunted Airport | Nicosia, Cyprus 371033
30 A Walk in the Park Sam Bienstock Wearing a Camera | Street Photography 362835
31 You are now leaving the American sector John Horniblow The Berlin Wall |Berlin, Germany 361263
32 NICOSIA AIRPORT Stefanos Kouratzis Haunted Airport | Nicosia, Cyprus 359181
33 Young monk recites mantras JOAQUIN GOMEZ SASTRE Buddhism in Myanmar | Budismo en Myanmar 359004
34 The National Socialist Movement Rallies in Michigan Michael Fox Racists | The new political agenda of White Supremacists 358755
35 A patient recovering from cataract surgery at Kalaymyo eye Centre James Muecke Chin State Odyssey pt. 1 | Sight for All in Burma 350633
36 Operating theatre barouche at Kalaymyo Eye Centre James Muecke Chin State Odyssey pt. 1 | Sight for All in Burma 348132
37 Dayak House Moonstar Simanjuntak Heart Of Borneo | Kalimantan 347213
38 Roma mother begging with child Radule Perisic Serbian gypsy children in decade of Roma | Serbia 345987
39 A boy at the hospital in IFO refugee camp gets a treatment. Hes Mundt IFO Refugee Camp | Dadaab Kenya 345534
40 Students from the Fajar Hidayah organization in Singapore at an orphanage in Banda Aceh Indonesia. Hes Mundt Tsunami Orphans | Banda Aceh, Indonesia 344806
41 Ray of hope Sandip Debnath A Ray of Hope | India 342378
42 Orphans of the 2004 Tsunami sit together on the ground during the morning class at an orphanage in Banda Aceh Indonesia Hes Mundt Tsunami Orphans | Banda Aceh, Indonesia 341257
43 Two Friends Stephen Uhraney The Nikon FE 24mm Lens & Film Street Project | Stephen Uhraney 339952
44 Camp Cuntox Tyler Freeman Smith The Day of the Great Race | The Bathurst 1000, Australia 338854
45 The Ghost in the Alhambra Sam Bienstock Wearing a Camera | Street Photography 338146
46 Game of Vermillion [Sindur Khela] Jayati Saha Durga Puja ; A festival of God returning Home | India 336277
47 Two students from the Fajar Hidayah organization at an orphanage in Banda Aceh Indonesia. Hes Mundt Tsunami Orphans | Banda Aceh, Indonesia 335720
48 Pregnant & Displaced : Romila Narzari Udit Kulshrestha Assam Riots | Pregnant and Displaced 335111
49 Devotee offering Prayers at Khandoba temple at Jejuri Vinit Gupta Tranquil Terrains of Turbulent Turmeric | Bhandara festival, India 334911
50 Bran Paulo Santos World Cities 332821



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