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Anamitra Chakladar

Child Soldier Rehabilitation Camp | Uganda

For more than 20 years now Joseph Kony's Lord's Resistance Army in northern Uganda has been kidnapping children to use as child soldiers and sex slaves in his wish to overthrow president Yoweri Meseveni's government. Countless atrocities have been committed against the population of northern Uganda, and more than 20, 000 children have been taken from their families. They live under constant threat and are forced to kill for their own survival.
A lucky few manage to escape or are released. many of them are taken to GUSCO and World Vision, two child soldier rehabilitation centers in Gulu, where they get a chance at returning to a normal life.
Photo documentary story / Photojournal by award winning US photographer Bea Ahbeck (Hits: 196033)

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Child Soldiers (Bea Ahbeck)
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Child Soldier Rehabilitation Camp | Uganda
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Child Soldiers (Bea Ahbeck)
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Child Soldier Rehabilitation Camp | Uganda
Comments: 3

Child Soldiers (Bea Ahbeck)
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Child Soldier Rehabilitation Camp | Uganda
Comments: 1

Child Soldiers (Bea Ahbeck)
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Child Soldier Rehabilitation Camp | Uganda
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Child Soldiers (Bea Ahbeck)
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Child Soldier Rehabilitation Camp | Uganda
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Child Soldiers (Bea Ahbeck)
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Child Soldier Rehabilitation Camp | Uganda
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Child Soldiers (Bea Ahbeck)
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Child Soldier Rehabilitation Camp | Uganda
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Child Soldiers (Bea Ahbeck)
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Child Soldier Rehabilitation Camp | Uganda
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Child Soldiers (Bea Ahbeck)
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Child Soldier Rehabilitation Camp | Uganda
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Child Soldiers (Bea Ahbeck)
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Child Soldier Rehabilitation Camp | Uganda
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Child Soldiers (Bea Ahbeck)
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Child Soldier Rehabilitation Camp | Uganda
Comments: 1

Child Soldiers (Bea Ahbeck)
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Child Soldier Rehabilitation Camp | Uganda
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