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Children peek through a window at their class
Children peek through a window at their class
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Anne Salminen-Cesari

The Berlin Wall |Berlin, Germany

The last days of the Berlin Wall; In the late summer of 1989 as the Czechs lifted their border controls and created the first trickles of East German refugees seeking asylum inside the West German Embassy, speculation was rife that the Eastern Block was indeed crumbling. This photo essay is a document of the wall in the weeks before its fall.
Photo Documentary / Photo Journal Story series by film maker and multimedia producer John Horniblow (Hits: 541893)

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Found: 39 image(s) on 4 page(s). Displayed: image 1 to 12.

You are now leaving the American sector (John Horniblow)
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The Berlin Wall |Berlin, Germany
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The Berlin Wall : Walls create labarynths (John Horniblow)
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The Berlin Wall |Berlin, Germany
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The Berlin Wall : Bat Punk (John Horniblow)
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The Berlin Wall |Berlin, Germany
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The Berlin Wall : Bern Grusst (John Horniblow)
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The Berlin Wall |Berlin, Germany
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The Berlin Wall : Bleeding Adidas, Battle Scars (John Horniblow)
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The Berlin Wall |Berlin, Germany
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The Berlin Wall : Carvinal Masks (John Horniblow)
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The Berlin Wall |Berlin, Germany
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The Berlin Wall : Checkpoint Charlie (John Horniblow)
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The Berlin Wall |Berlin, Germany
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The Berlin Wall : Dancers Kreutzberg (John Horniblow)
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The Berlin Wall |Berlin, Germany
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The Berlin Wall : Der Kampf (John Horniblow)
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The Berlin Wall |Berlin, Germany
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The Berlin Wall : Crosses for failed crossings; The Unknowns (John Horniblow)
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The Berlin Wall |Berlin, Germany
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The Berlin Wall : The eternal flame; beat that drum baby (John Horniblow)
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The Berlin Wall |Berlin, Germany
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The Berlin Wall : The eastern side ; colour fields of white and grey (John Horniblow)
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The Berlin Wall |Berlin, Germany
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