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Christ carries the cross during Via Cruces
Christ carries the cross during Via Cruces
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Peter Calvin

A Second Home : Man coexisting with water

A Second Home is a part of an on-going study into man's coexistence with water, with a focus on aquatic athletes who's life is completely engulfed in the element, spending the majority of their waking hours surrounded by, consuming or excreting it.

The project derived from my fascination with the diver and their intimate experience during the act of diving. The diver carries through the process in a rather meditative state, from the moment they ascend up to the board, through the whole performance in the air before they gracefully slip through the surface. The moment is accompanied by a cluster of air that whirls and dances around them as they glide through the peaceful liquid environment. It's both enchanting to experience and witness.

It became evident early on that developing an understanding of the element is crucial to be able to excel in and coexist harmoniously with water. This specific body of work was produced over six months, documenting the aquatic sports teams at Plymouth Life Centre. An affiliation with Devonport Royal Swimming Association led to a development in documenting their water polo team, both in and out of the water. Below the surface, I had become fascinated with observing athletes forcing themselves against the water, their flesh distorting temporarily by its resistance. The vigorous training channels their strength to keep their body upright and raised to waist level, using their legs as a whisk to churn the water.

Photo documentary by Meesha Holley (Hits: 185316)

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Found: 12 image(s) on 1 page(s). Displayed: image 1 to 12.

Uplift (Meesha Holley)
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A Second Home : Man coexisting with water
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The Bench, Devonport Royal (Meesha Holley)
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A Second Home : Man coexisting with water
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Guarding (Meesha Holley)
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A Second Home : Man coexisting with water
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The Bench, Devonport Royal (Meesha Holley)
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A Second Home : Man coexisting with water
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Guarding - Competing Against Bath University (Meesha Holley)
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A Second Home : Man coexisting with water
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Scrum (Meesha Holley)
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A Second Home : Man coexisting with water
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Outreached - Headless Men series (Meesha Holley)
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A Second Home : Man coexisting with water
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Freeze - Headless Women series (Meesha Holley)
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A Second Home : Man coexisting with water
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Butterfly - Headless Women series (Meesha Holley)
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A Second Home : Man coexisting with water
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Backtrack - Headless Women series (Meesha Holley)
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A Second Home : Man coexisting with water
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Breakthrough (Meesha Holley)
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A Second Home : Man coexisting with water
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Buoyancy - Headless Women series (Meesha Holley)
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A Second Home : Man coexisting with water
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