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Human market 8
Human market 8
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Yaniv Nadav

A Syrian Eid : Syria

A Syrian Eid by Jake Simkin

"I traveled to Aleppo to see the celebration of Eid on the Free Syrian Army side. The city was quiet. There was occasional sounds of bombing but a lack of gunfire to be heard in the distance. It was the end of Eid Al Fitr and though no real truce was called, there was the sense of peacefulness.

Sheep were slaughtered so food could be distributed, girls wore pretty new dresses and new play swings were made to make this day special.

Still the barrel bombs dropped. Crude home made bombs made by the Syrian government to be dropped out of helicopters and planes falling randomly without precision onto the people. Mainly civilians. A civil group called the White Helmets responded quickly to remove the wounded and bring out the dead.

But the days would not be marred by tragedy. Life goes on and children played and sang. They sang songs about freedom. Young boys filled Aleppo's public pool to swim and enjoyed getting out of the heat.

As the sun set, the people headed home to celebrate with family and to hide from the constant bombing that filled the night. It would be a new day tomorrow."

Photo documentary by Jake Simkin (Hits: 245574)

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Found: 16 image(s) on 2 page(s). Displayed: image 1 to 12.

Waking up from a dream (Jacob Simkin)
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A Syrian Eid : Syria
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Home (Jacob Simkin)
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A Syrian Eid : Syria
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Eid has come (Jacob Simkin)
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A Syrian Eid : Syria
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Lambs to the slaughter (Jacob Simkin)
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A Syrian Eid : Syria
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We will stay here... (Jacob Simkin)
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A Syrian Eid : Syria
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A brief visit to the dead (Jacob Simkin)
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A Syrian Eid : Syria
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The market (Jacob Simkin)
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A Syrian Eid : Syria
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The Watermelon boy (Jacob Simkin)
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A Syrian Eid : Syria
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Seconds from the blast (Jacob Simkin)
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A Syrian Eid : Syria
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True heroes, the White Helmets (Jacob Simkin)
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A Syrian Eid : Syria
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Children Play (Jacob Simkin)
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A Syrian Eid : Syria
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Laughter vs Sorrow (Jacob Simkin)
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A Syrian Eid : Syria
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