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A Time of Crocodiles 13
A Time of Crocodiles 13
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Vlad Sokhin

Racists | The new political agenda of White Supremacists

Throughout the United States, the Ku Klux Klan is remembered for its violent, racist activities against people of color. Worldwide, Nazi's are associated with the mass extermination of Jewish people in German concentration camps. Today, those groups still exist, aiming to rise above existing perceptions to emerge as viable political or quasi-religious groups that are dedicated to supporting White Power. With immigration policies in the news, these groups may be gaining favor amongst sympathisers.
Photo Documentary / Photo Journal Story by US photojournalist, Mike Fox (Hits: 464273)

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Found: 27 image(s) on 3 page(s). Displayed: image 1 to 12.

Ku Klux Klan Rally (Michael Fox)
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Racists | The new political agenda of White Supremacists
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Ku Klux Klan Cross Lighting (Michael Fox)
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Racists | The new political agenda of White Supremacists
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Ku Klux Klan Cross Lighting (Michael Fox)
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Racists | The new political agenda of White Supremacists
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Ku Klux Klan Rally (Michael Fox)
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Racists | The new political agenda of White Supremacists
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Ku Klux Klan Cross Lighting (Michael Fox)
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Racists | The new political agenda of White Supremacists
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KKK meeting on Martin Luther King Day (Michael Fox)
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Racists | The new political agenda of White Supremacists
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KKK meeting on Martin Luther King Day (Michael Fox)
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Racists | The new political agenda of White Supremacists
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KKK meeting on Martin Luther King Day (Michael Fox)
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Racists | The new political agenda of White Supremacists
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KKK meeting on Martin Luther King Day (Michael Fox)
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Racists | The new political agenda of White Supremacists
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KKK meeting on Martin Luther King Day (Michael Fox)
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Racists | The new political agenda of White Supremacists
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KKK meeting on Martin Luther King Day (Michael Fox)
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Racists | The new political agenda of White Supremacists
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The National Socialist Movement Rallies in Michigan (Michael Fox)
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Racists | The new political agenda of White Supremacists
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