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San Marcos 12
San Marcos 12
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Bruno Guerra

Life in War | Afghanistan

Afghanistan has been dealing with war for 50 years . Sometimes with countries attacking it and at others with civil wars. Intentionally or locally, the Afghans are people of war and bloodshed. They are suffering from some serious traumas and hurt which take a lot of years to be healed. War affects the ordinary life of survivors, children lose their parents, women whose husbands die and become responsible to manage their life and children as a single mother. Despite of the poverty, drug addiction, lack of education caused but still life goes on in Afghanistan and people continue to live with hope for a better tomorrow.

Photo documentary by award winning Iranian photographer Majid Saeedi

This story was awarded the 2nd Prize in Contemporary Issues stories, World Press Photo Awards 2013 (Hits: 182965)

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Life in war (Majid Saeedi)
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Life in War | Afghanistan
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Life in war (Majid Saeedi)
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Life in War | Afghanistan
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Life in war (Majid Saeedi)
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Life in War | Afghanistan
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Life in war (Majid Saeedi)
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Life in War | Afghanistan
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Life in war (Majid Saeedi)
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Life in War | Afghanistan
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Life in war (Majid Saeedi)
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Life in War | Afghanistan
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Life in war (Majid Saeedi)
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Life in War | Afghanistan
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Life in war (Majid Saeedi)
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Life in War | Afghanistan
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Life in war (Majid Saeedi)
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Life in War | Afghanistan
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Life in war (Majid Saeedi)
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Life in War | Afghanistan
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Life in war (Majid Saeedi)
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Life in War | Afghanistan
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Life in war (Majid Saeedi)
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Life in War | Afghanistan
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