The Borana in times of Drought and Famine | Ethiopia
In 2011 the Horn of Africa again was hit by severe drought. With the world?s attention mainly focused on the situation in Somalia, due to its political unrest, other countries in the region have been forgotten or neglected by international media.
In Southern Ethiopia pastoralists, like the Borana people, also suffered from the extreme drought. It has killed much of their livestock, the people?s primary source of income. In a situation of deep drought not a single drop of rain fell for over 12 months!
Looking at the times of drought over a number of years, scientists are drawing the conclusion that the situation will continue to worsen in the future. The primary cause - Climate Change.
This photo documentary was produced for the Dutch NGO, Cordaid, an organisation who for years has been active in the region to support Borana
and other groups of pastoralists.
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