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A Tale of a 91 Years Old Photographer - 24
A Tale of a 91 Years Old Photographer - 24
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Chance to Change | Education in Nairobi's Mukuru Slum

Nairobi, Kenya has over 3 million inhabitants and it?s estimated that half of this population lives in slum environments. Living conditions in these run-down areas of the city are extremely poor.? Families reside in small corrugated-iron shacks.? Unemployment rates are high and health care inadequate. Lack of financial means prevents many children from getting an education and of the numbers that are in school, many leave before finishing.?

Primary education in Kenya is supposed to be free, but students still have expenses for their learning materials, meals, uniforms and transport.? ?Songa Mbele na Masomo,? which in Swahili means, ?moving ahead with education,? is one of the educational centers based near the capital city?s, Mukuru slum. The Center is assisting both children who have left school, as well as those who have never managed to join.? Physically- and mentally-challenged children are among the latter of these two groups.

The goal of Songa Mbele na Masomo is to return as many children as possible to the classroom - or to coach pupils within the Center and register them as private candidates for a Certificate of Primary Education.

It is Songa Mbele?s credo that children - no matter where they live - have the right to education.? For Nairobi?s poor, education is the path to a brighter and more secure future.? And it is the ?chance? that these of Nairobi?s children - crave.

Photo documentary by TCI Emerging Photographer program graduate , Anne Salminen-Cesari (Hits: 238417)

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Found: 10 image(s) on 1 page(s). Displayed: image 1 to 10.

Children peek through a window at their class (Anne Salminen-Cesari)
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Chance to Change | Education in Nairobi's Mukuru Slum
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View of one part of Mukuru Slum (Anne Salminen-Cesari)
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Chance to Change | Education in Nairobi's Mukuru Slum
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A student walks towards his home (Anne Salminen-Cesari)
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Chance to Change | Education in Nairobi's Mukuru Slum
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Group of kids in Mukuru (Anne Salminen-Cesari)
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Chance to Change | Education in Nairobi's Mukuru Slum
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A boy runs in the street (Anne Salminen-Cesari)
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Chance to Change | Education in Nairobi's Mukuru Slum
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Home visit at Mukuru (Anne Salminen-Cesari)
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Chance to Change | Education in Nairobi's Mukuru Slum
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Students read together (Anne Salminen-Cesari)
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Chance to Change | Education in Nairobi's Mukuru Slum
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A 14-year old mother and a student at the educational center (Anne Salminen-Cesari)
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Chance to Change | Education in Nairobi's Mukuru Slum
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Students run at the education center (Anne Salminen-Cesari)
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Chance to Change | Education in Nairobi's Mukuru Slum
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Play in the street of Mukuru (Anne Salminen-Cesari)
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Chance to Change | Education in Nairobi's Mukuru Slum
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