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Burmese immigrants Thailand portraits
Burmese immigrants Thailand portraits
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John Hulme

But Baxt ta Sastip

It's raining on thursday early morning in Palermo. Already I have been at the Rom field in order to ask for the permission to take some shots.The chiefs, in effects are three, of three different ethnic group. I speak with Beri? and Al? and I have the permission to take the photos. They are my guide in the camp. Then the rain increases and they leave me alone. From a shack comes Cd music, all volume, breaking the rainy and gray day. Alexian Santino Spinelli, a virtuoso of his instrument. Spinelli collaborates with the University of Trieste where studies are made on the Rom language. There is no potable water in all the camp. Many women pick up the rainy water in big containers. A Rom group comes from Kosovo: Rom Khorak Hane then Rom Dasik Hane orthodox christians from Serbia. The last one, muslim Rom from Montenegro. Degradation and soil everywhere. I have seen also happy gypsy ?[Ho visto anche zingari felici] sang Claudius Lolli, an italian singer of the '70-'80. Glad for sure, I couldn't say if happy enough.
Photo documentary story / Photojournal by Italian Photographer Nino Pillitteri (Hits: 316291)

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But Baxt ta Sastip? 01 (Nino Pillitteri)
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But Baxt ta Sastip
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But Baxt ta Sastip? 02 (Nino Pillitteri)
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But Baxt ta Sastip
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But Baxt ta Sastip? 03 (Nino Pillitteri)
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But Baxt ta Sastip
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But Baxt ta Sastip? 04 (Nino Pillitteri)
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But Baxt ta Sastip
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But Baxt ta Sastip? 05 (Nino Pillitteri)
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But Baxt ta Sastip
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But Baxt ta Sastip? 06 (Nino Pillitteri)
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But Baxt ta Sastip
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But Baxt ta Sastip? 07 (Nino Pillitteri)
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But Baxt ta Sastip
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But Baxt ta Sastip? 08 (Nino Pillitteri)
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But Baxt ta Sastip
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But Baxt ta Sastip? 09 (Nino Pillitteri)
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But Baxt ta Sastip
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But Baxt ta Sastip? 10 (Nino Pillitteri)
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But Baxt ta Sastip
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But Baxt ta Sastip? 11 (Nino Pillitteri)
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But Baxt ta Sastip
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But Baxt ta Sastip? 12 (Nino Pillitteri)
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But Baxt ta Sastip
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