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Salines #14
Salines #14
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Alfredo Munoz

Boeung Kak, Phnom Penh | The biggest eviction in post war Cambodia.

Phnom Penh?s largest natural lake is set to be 90% filled over the next year, to make way for a large residential and commercial complex. An estimated 4,250 families will be affected by the development. The compensation offered by the developer, Shukaku Inc. is considered unfair by the lake-side residents who have taken their plight to the door-step of Prime Minister Hun Sen. The filling will continue, regardless of fact that adequate compensations have not been negotiated. Few details of the plans have been disclosed leaving the residents and their lawyer with very little information.
Photo documentary story / Photojournal by photojournalist Nicolas Axelrod (Hits: 181242)

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Found: 13 image(s) on 2 page(s). Displayed: image 1 to 12.

Life on the Lake (Nicolas Axelrod)
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Boeung Kak, Phnom Penh | The biggest eviction in post war Cambodia.
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Packing to leave (Nicolas Axelrod)
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Boeung Kak, Phnom Penh | The biggest eviction in post war Cambodia.
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Pumping in Sand (Nicolas Axelrod)
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Boeung Kak, Phnom Penh | The biggest eviction in post war Cambodia.
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Lake side Family (Nicolas Axelrod)
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Boeung Kak, Phnom Penh | The biggest eviction in post war Cambodia.
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Squatters (Nicolas Axelrod)
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Boeung Kak, Phnom Penh | The biggest eviction in post war Cambodia.
Comments: 1

Backpacker Area (Nicolas Axelrod)
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Boeung Kak, Phnom Penh | The biggest eviction in post war Cambodia.
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Dismantling (Nicolas Axelrod)
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Boeung Kak, Phnom Penh | The biggest eviction in post war Cambodia.
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Prayer (Nicolas Axelrod)
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Boeung Kak, Phnom Penh | The biggest eviction in post war Cambodia.
Comments: 1

Packing in the roof (Nicolas Axelrod)
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Boeung Kak, Phnom Penh | The biggest eviction in post war Cambodia.
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Boeung Kak Lake (Nicolas Axelrod)
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Boeung Kak, Phnom Penh | The biggest eviction in post war Cambodia.
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Relocation (Nicolas Axelrod)
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Boeung Kak, Phnom Penh | The biggest eviction in post war Cambodia.
Comments: 1

A New home (Nicolas Axelrod)
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Boeung Kak, Phnom Penh | The biggest eviction in post war Cambodia.
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